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  • in reply to: Some Necrosavants Part II: The Rustling #21453
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    Yeah. Day 21 for roaming necrosavants is waay too early. I would just remove them as world spawns entirely unless it’s the undead crisis. Just spawn legionaires instead or give them different weapons for the early game.

    I really don’t get this. The game doesn’t spawn Hedge Knights or Master Archers that early either. Same goes for Orc Warlords, Overseers/Shamans and pretty much all the late-game enemies in the game. Just Necrosavants are the exception.

    in reply to: Where did the "no crisis" button go? #21451
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    Hey. Would really like that back.

    I zipped you a day 1 backup of two of my saves without late game crisis.
    “Defiant Few” campaign needs the Fangshire Helmet DLC for you to run. The “Misfits” one was started without that to share with my friend.
    Both campaigns are on expert ironman, sadly I don’t have any others.

    Anyways my latest campaign is with lategame crisis but without permanent destruction. The noble war you can pretty much ignore – they also don’t pay well so it’s mostly very high risk for almost nothing in return. You try to surround the knight and dagger him? Too bad that allied piker got the lasthit and now you get nothing. I am currently at the undead crisis and it’s a lot of fun and very profitable as well. For one contract to destroy 2 camps, even with just 4k pay if you dagger fallen heroes it’s like 10-15k per contract.

    For me, noble war stretched out over 100 ingame days or so and the second crisis started around day 220 so I had enough time to prepare.

    in reply to: FPS Lags and extreme long enemy turns #21449
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    There are also some lags, like half second mini-freezes. Mostly in battles.

    I had that too. Mostly in huge battles where 50-60 characters are on the map: Noble House war 30v40, Random Fight 12 brothers v 20 raiders v 15 direwolves. I tried that noble war fight with all different video settings but nothing changed.

    Then again, there is now a new patch so maybe they already fixed it.

    in reply to: Brigands City #21448
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    Damn I would love that.

    in reply to: Undead Trophy doesnt work #21447
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    It works fine for me. I put it on my duelist who goes and clears the flanks of geists once enemies are engaged. My heavies with around 40-60 resolve and 2-handers deal with the mass of Wiedergangers while my archers take care of Necromancers and Fallen Heroes with greatswords/axes. 2 Sargeants with rally to counter geists. One is not enough as sometimes rally fails and they get fatigued so I use recover whenever possible.
    Anyways. You probably need more greatswords to fight 20+ zombies with geists. I usually go for 2 sarge, 3 archers, 3 greatswords, 1 great hammer, 2 macer, 1 duelist against that kind of line-up. Macers are great if one of the greatsword Fallen Heroes gets too close.

    TLDR: Turtle until zombies are dead and spam rally with 2-3 sargeants.

    in reply to: Armor Notifications #21326
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    Man this would be amazing. A little hammer icon or something if the Brother’s gear isn’t fully repaired would totally do the trick.

    in reply to: Obituaries list background #21325
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    I would prefer a fully fledged stat screen. Just click on an entry in obituary and another dialogue with the character sheet opens, that would be perfect.

    in reply to: "Some Necrosavants" #21293
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    I don’t know how “hiding” mechanics works in game, I expected hidden brothers to be invisible just like his units are to me. Was there some dev blog about hide mechanics? Myself I would be interested in this. I didn’t utilize hiding to much so far as it is very situational but I was planing to explore it bit more.

    They are hidden unless they attack, which un-hides them for the remainder of the turn. You can also see them if they are engaged in melee.

    Anyways, you are talking about late-game and sekata is talking about early game if I understand that correctly.
    Sure if I already have brothers in heavy armor and my 3-4 archers have 20-30 ranged def with Anticipation they don’t pose that much of a threat anymore. It’s just that early they pose a really big threat but even later the lucky headshot can still happen.
    Generally crossbows are the most dangerous weapons in the game because of how little counter play there is for them. Master Archer with warbow is hardly a threat. Same for goblin ambushers. But beware the lucky shot from an Overlord!
    Yes, 2-Handed weapons are dangerous too but at least you can counter play with stuns or overwhelm, knockback etc or simply retreat.

    in reply to: "Some Necrosavants" #21266
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    Hey. Me again.

    There is a penalty for only buying grain too btw. After buying nothing but grain since it’s so cheap for about 20 days I got an event with dissatisfied brothers and the gist of it was “Can we at least have a little meat every now and again?”

    If you buy say some cured venison that doesn’t spoil for ages and literally only buy ground grains instead you will not get them dissatisfied even if they don’t touch the venison.

    As for the original topic here. In one of my recent campaigns I first seen a pack of 5 necrosavants annihilate a group of 12 raiders at around day 20. At around day 30 they actually caught me and I had to retreat. 5 backliners in light armor don’t really stand a chance there. Luckily I managed to recover after 2 days of treating wounds. There were 2 or 3 undead camps close to the place where I got ambushed. I first discovered them at around day 10-15 where 2 of the camps had ancient legionaires and a few/some necrosavants. I may have been able to take on 2-3 necros with auxiliaries but no way with legionaires so clearing out the camp to prevent more spawns was not an option.
    Oh yes, this was in the center of the map right next to some main roads and rural villages where I would have gotten a lot of easy contracts for the early game. I really think Necrosavants should only spawn as roaming troops in the mid to late game but definitely not this early.

    For example, I really wish the enemy weapon generation was a bit more tweaked. Fighting a group of bandit raiders with full chainmails/shields and 2-3 pikemen is not the same as fighting some with leather armor and weapons only. A marksman with a crossbow is way more dangerous than a marksman with a bow. I’m under the impression that the game takes the designation “Bandit raider” and randomly generates equipment with no restriction placed on the number of more dangerous weapons or effective armor generated.

    I agree. With marksmen especially. I think Crossbows need a rework. At least remove Crossbow Mastery from Bandit Marksmen. It is really frustrating to lose a guy to a lucky shot or two in a row. There is absolutely no fun in that. I like losing if I make mistakes, not because I rolled a 1 on a d20.
    Also Crossbows are kinda garbage in player hands because of their limited damage potential compared to a warbow that can shoot 3 times in one round with berserk. I still try to make crossbows work but usually I am better off going for a polearm instead – because they can attack twice in a round if berserk triggers, crossbows don’t really profit from berserk.

    If we had crossbows use 3 AP to shoot and 5 AP to reload, the only difference would be that we could run 2 tiles after reloading instead of just one, however berserk would actually make a difference.
    Round 1: Shoot (kill), Reload, Shoot.
    Round 2: Reload, Shoot (kill), Reload.
    It would still only be half as many attacks as with a warbow but at least we would get something out of berserk. Just. Don’t give berserk to Master Archer..

    in reply to: Two-handed mace #21263
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    I would love that. I really like the utility of the mace stun it’s just sad that my macers are kinda useless against orcs. Were orc berserkers always immune to stun? I thought it was only Warriors.

    in reply to: Recruiting Cost Reflects Stats? #21212
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    Does not reflect attributes or talents, traits.

    Hiring price depends on level and equipment. Sometimes recruits come with weapons in their inventory. As an example: A hunter that costs ~1.5k at level 1 will have a Boar Spear in his inventory.

    in reply to: Ghost Icons Inventory #21210
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    Thats a weird one.
    You need to put the log file and save in a .zip archive to upload them :).

    in reply to: "Some Necrosavants" #21162
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    Idk why people are so dismissive of this.
    I do think that necrosavants spawn too early on the worldmap. This is around Day 30 I believe. It’s only possible to take them on that early if you had a “perfect” early game and by now your brothers are geared and skilled. I don’t see any way to beat them if you took some early losses and miss funds.
    Honestly though I don’t think there has ever been an occasion where a worldmap party was moving faster than me. I only sometimes get caught if I ente difficult terrain that slows me down but usually I can outrun any enemy.
    If you enter woods, they will lose sight of you and you can do a U turn and circle back.

    Again, I think necrosavants should spawn as early as maybe day 50+.

    in reply to: Crash on ironman #21161
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    Hey. You forgot the attachments :)
    It sounds like a problem with Autosave so for now I would advise to play without iron man mode until Rap comes along and helps you.

    in reply to: Books #21160
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    Read the manga berserk :).
    I don’t know any other literature but I’m sure others will give you some answers.

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