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  • in reply to: Warped Fantasy Races #16516
    Avatar photoPsenBattle

    Hey man,
    thanks for the cool post. You really put some thought behind it, awesome stuff :)
    Nevertheless of course I have to mention again, that we will not add any new races before the full release.

    By the way, If you create something like this please feel free to post this in the Pauls Art Corner. Otherwise it might happen that I completely overlook pieces like this.


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    in reply to: Paul´s Art Corner #16508
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    Heres a bunch of new event pictures:

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    in reply to: Paul´s Art Corner #16500
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    Heres another bunch


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    in reply to: Paul´s Art Corner #16498
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    also there is an -iron man- button

    Haha nice spotting :)

    Hey Paul, are you going to rework scenarios is some way?
    They haven’t been touched for a long time.

    Phew, at this moment they are absolutely not on our agenda as we focus completely on all the new stuff for the campaign.
    Maybe we give them a a little touch up before the final release :)

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    in reply to: Paul´s Art Corner #16490
    Avatar photoPsenBattle

    Here’s a little preview for one of the new Banners:


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    in reply to: Paul´s Art Corner #16484
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    Does this mean that you think the work of the new UI complete?

    Nothing is finished until the actual release of the game :)
    But we are pretty happy with the current look. I suppose we will do one last polishing pass before release.

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    in reply to: Paul´s Art Corner #16482
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    will we got some worldmap working perks?
    like scouting or pathfinding, tradership,treasure hunter, trainer, etc. !

    I could talk a lot about this topic, but I will restrict myself to not spend too much time here :)
    Of course we considered worldmap perks. If we would implement them within the normal perk tree, there are several problems.

    Lets take the pathfinder perk as an example ( my points would apply to any worldmap perk). This perk would increase movement speed on the worldmap.
    Does this perk stack? So do you move faster if more brothers have this perk or is it one time effect?
    So if it stacks you would gain absurd movement speed on the worldmap if you give this perk to every single brother. Alternativly if you want to min-max, all your reserve brothers would have the worldmap perks and serve solely as a worldmap buff with no real combat value.

    If its a one time effect it would be the optimal way to just give one of the worldmap perks to each brother until you have covered all different perks. Every single player would do this, as the investment is not very high. If everyone does it like that we could just remove the worldmap perks alltogether and give the player some stat boosts right from the beginning.

    I hope I made clear that its very tricky to implement worldmap buffs within the normal perk system. We had extensive internal discussion on that topic and our favorite way to implement anything in that direction would be a non combat follower mechanic of some kind.
    This is not off the table so it might still happen.
    No promises though :)

    I hope this helped a little to explain why we dont have worldmap perks in the game at the moment.

    Regarding the other perks (hating greenskins etc). The basic mechanic of gaining (and losing) perks via events is in the game, so something like this may be implemented. Again: No Promises, but we like the general concept of this.


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    in reply to: Paul´s Art Corner #16481
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    Any plans to expand currently existing factions? As in adding new tiered NPCs (with different equipment and stuff)?
    It would add a lot to diversity (for example different bandit groups having different unit composition acting differently etc).

    Whats definitely in the works is the complete skeleton overhaul to make them a proper faction of their own. We also have plans to rework the ghouls to make them more interesting.
    What we will also be working on is the overall gameplay mechanics on the worldmap. The noble houses will defnitely get some more love and we want to have civil wars and other global events. I cant tell too much right now, but while we do all that, I am pretty sure that enemies in general will get more diverse.

    Club, FLail, Hammer, Axe(one and two handed?), Cleaver, Sword (warbrands + two handed?), Dagger, Pike (polearm?), Spear, xbow, bow, throwing, . ???

    The Axe Mastery affects one handed axes, two handed axes and poleaxes. The Sword includes Warbrands and two handed swords (it works differently for those of course). The polearm perk affects Billhooks and Pikes.

    also i think it would be nice to have a shield special perk in this weapon-perk tree.

    The shield expert perk is still there if you take a close look, it increases your defense bonus as well as your shields durability.

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    in reply to: Paul´s Art Corner #16449
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    Are plan to make or already make some other missing weapon tiers? Like mid tier hammer, heavy human xbow, long spear(2hand 2 ranged bastard pike/spear weapon) or quarterstaff for travellers(and as a cheap version of 2ranged 2 hand weapon?)?

    We are not working on these weapons right now, but I guess we will have another round of “filling gaps” some time before release.

    Also I would ask if you plan make some named/unique weapons sets for goblins and undead?

    I am not 100% sure about the goblins as they already have the spiked impaler and some other fun stuff to loot. We will set our focus more on unique human equipment which will also enhance the “Mercenary” look of your troupe. But to be honest I can’t say right now.
    All new skeleton weapons will have their own characteristics and will be usable by the player. We will see if its neccessary to have named variants on top of that.

    Also are you gonna add some 2 ranged melee weapons for Orcs? Giving them some long sticks could really lead to some interesting battles.

    Orcs will only use close combat weapons as opposed to the goblins. I personally like that they have such a distinct fighting style and I dont want to blurr the border there.

    About balancing things. Are you gonna review and balance units?

    We will constantly do that. At the moment we are implementing new features which will be followed by an extensive period of playtesting. Most of the things you mention would be part of the worldmap balancing.
    Adding stuff to the worldmap and making the systems work better together would be the next bigger step on our agenda.


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    in reply to: Paul´s Art Corner #16440
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    Psen are you gonna make some mid tier Cleaver? The position is lacking. Just pointing that there are actually 2 very similar in stats weapon(Short sword and Falchion) so maybe Falchion can be made some a cleaver or sword/cleaver mix? Kinda like scramasax is a sword/dagger mix.

    Good observation. Just a week ago we adressed this issue. We moved the Sax to the Tier 2 Cleaver position as it is a slashing weapon anyways and was never meant to work like a dagger. On top of that we adjusted a lot of stats for the weapons to have a smoother progression from t1-t2-t3.
    The Falchion also feels a little awkward in the sword position. We will think about if we move it.


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    in reply to: Paul´s Art Corner #16428
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    The whole object topic has been pushed back by our injury system/perk rework so we are not actively working on it at the moment.

    How will the combat objects influence the units’ movement possibilies; will they all just block the tile they occupy or will objects where it makes sense (e.g. bedroll, crosses, grave with tombstone) still allow units to step on it?

    Big obejcts will block movement, small or flat objects (like bedrolls etc) will not.

    Will some of the objects work like height level modifiers (e.g. +1: table, the big heightened grave stone; -1 the dug grave)?

    Funny idea, we will see if that works out or if its not practicable.

    Will the stone walls be crossable, like one can jump over them, if the opposing tile is not occupied already by a unit or another object, but cannot stay on their tile? (Could be an interesting mechanic)

    I agree that sounds like a fun mechanic. I also read up on your water tile ideas and I think thats something to put some more thought into.
    Like I mentioned at the beginning we first have to finish our next big update. When the time comes to really implement all the combat objects we will consider adding appropriate gameplay mechanics where it makes sense.

    Are the new banners supposed to substitute or complement the current mercenary banners (the ones when creating one’s company?)?
    Haven’t you worked on a banner creation system some time ago? What happened to it; or was it meant to be used by the noble houses only?

    The new banners are supposed to take the place of the current ones. Bear in mind that what I posted is only the first iteration and quite some time and work will be invested before any of us sees the final “banner system” for the player.
    I have been working on a “banner creation system” as a proof of concept. By now I think it would not work the way I designed it back in the day as it only applied heraldic rules and the mercenary banners should feature a distinct look.

    In theory it would be possible to create a banner creation tool for the player, but we still have to see whether it would be worth the time and effort in the end.

    To give you a quick update, I already paused work on the player banners again to paint new icons for all the reworked/added perks and to put some finishing touches on the injury system as well as the named weapons.


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    in reply to: Paul´s Art Corner #16244
    Avatar photoPsenBattle

    Hey guys, heres another small update on the banners.
    I wont be in the office next week, so dont expect any postings from my side.
    Nevertheless please leave some comments on the banners and I will check out all of it when I’m back.


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    in reply to: Paul´s Art Corner #16219
    Avatar photoPsenBattle

    Will these be implemented soon?

    As soon as we can :)
    It will still take a while though. We will update you in the blog posts.

    Here’s the first iteration of the Mercenary Banner for the player.
    My ambition is to use a lot more vivid pictures and less heraldic elements on the banners to differentiate them from the noble house Banners.


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    in reply to: Paul´s Art Corner #16182
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    Will the Temple and/or the Veteran Hall building(s) become functional alongside these changes or will they come up with their own update later on?

    Cant say anything about the veterans hall yet, but the temple is already implemented and fully functional in our development build. It plays an essential role within the injury system and will be part of the update.


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    in reply to: Paul´s Art Corner #16180
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    As we are testing the injury system right now we noticed that we need MORE injuries!
    Here we go :)


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