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  • in reply to: Paul´s Art Corner #15810
    Avatar photoPsenBattle

    Is that the Saint George killing the Dragon?

    Yeah :) Maybe its too iconic, but I really like how it fits onto the shield.

    I wonder if the unique armors and their respective helmets will be sets and thus grant a set bonus (like in e.g. Diablo),

    We had a short internal discussion on that, but we don’t think its worth forcing the player to always combine the “correct” two pieces. I prefer to have the free choice just for the sake of more visual variety.

    Where will one get those items? Honestly, I cannot imagine them being dropped by mere raiders, even if they are leaders.

    We will rework named items in general a little and also their distribution. We want to put more focus on exploration, so most of these items will be lootable in treasure locations hidden somewhere on the worldmap.

    The shield with the wing nailed on, is close to being over the top. ;P

    Hehe. It’s not our period, but this Hussar really knows how to show off in style :) It’s from an Opsrey book, so I guess its rather historically accurate, although not very helpful in battle obviously.

    Concering the named items, they will only have improved stats for now. We still have giant backlog of Legendary Items we want to implement. Unfortunately thats a lot of work (custom skills for single items), so we cant tackle that at the moment. We will see…….

    some named light armors… for archers, swordmasters etc. also would be nice. Like a robe, light brigntine, gambeson or something!

    At the Moment the light armor will only see use in the early to mid game and we already have a decent variety of armors in that part of the game. We are focussing on the late game for now, but we will continue to create more and more items on the side.

    This is specially present in occasional screenies of skeleton rework, they remind me a lot of what i imagine Thracian and Scythian gear looked like?

    Absolutely, it’s a mix of early celtic, roman and greek armor styles. The skeletons should look really “ancient” to emphasize their different origin compare to the zombies. I am pretty much finished with the visuals of the skeletopn rework, but we did not manage to program and implement it yet. There will be an extensive Blog post with lore and more when the time comes.


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    in reply to: Paul´s Art Corner #15787
    Avatar photoPsenBattle

    This is better:
    Shields 2

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    in reply to: Paul´s Art Corner #15785
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    The fourth one looks weird for some reason.

    I’m not too happy with that one myself. Maybe I#ll do something else….

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    in reply to: Paul´s Art Corner #15783
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    Armor 2 and 4 are heavy armors, the others will also have pretty high armor ratings to be viable in the late game.
    They might not look that heavy because i covered a lot of metal with other materials to give them more visual variety.

    Here are some more named shields, by the way :)


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    in reply to: Paul´s Art Corner #15720
    Avatar photoPsenBattle

    Return of the heraldic mail!


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    in reply to: Paul´s Art Corner #15716
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    Can we have something lamellar unique?

    We’ll see about that. One of the goals while designing the named armors is breaking up the monotonous metal look of the endgame armors.
    My plan is to create some detail layers which can be combined with the current armors for a greater visual variety.

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    in reply to: Paul´s Art Corner #15713
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    in reply to: Paul´s Art Corner #15700
    Avatar photoPsenBattle

    Here we go:
    Armors Named

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    in reply to: Paul´s Art Corner #15694
    Avatar photoPsenBattle

    Nice to hear that you guys enjoy the new armors :) It’s a lot of fun after creating all those pesky UI assets.
    Here’s an update. I think I’m going to paint a wolf-helmet for the far left armor to go along with the bandit wolf armor.

    Concerning the Sutton Hoo, I already used this very early medieval style for the (still pending) skeleton rework:


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    in reply to: Paul´s Art Corner #15686
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    Hey guys, I am finally creating content again.
    Here’s the first picture of some named armors/helmets:


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    in reply to: Paul´s Art Corner #15679
    Avatar photoPsenBattle

    Can You post some art of named two-handed swords?

    Not yet. I did not have the time to paint unique two handed swords yet. Its absolutely on my whishlist, but I cant say when Ill get to it. Apart from the two handers theres a bunch of other weapons still missing unique variants (also: helmets and armors).

    . Are you still working on multi tile objects? If yes, can you give us new picture?

    I am still fixing the last UI issues, but we are almost done for good :)
    Here are two work in progress shots of the combat objects:



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    in reply to: Paul´s Art Corner #15569
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    Will one be able to save and load different formations, making one’s own preset formations?

    We feel like we cant put anymore work/time into the UI for now. So probably not.

    So there will be 17 reserve slots?

    There are 9 slots for reserve (the tents).

    Thus will it be theoretically possible to have 18 mercs in your party but send for example only that one Swordmaster into the fight against a pack of direwolves to level him faster?

    Yes, as long as you have 10 or less guys (1 in combat and 9 in reserve).

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    in reply to: Paul´s Art Corner #15567
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    Does that mean this is the final look of the inventory/roster screen?

    No, we will continue polishing it.

    One also can see 18 slots for mercs. Does that mean there will be up to 12 mercs fighting and 6 will be in reserve, since it was said that one won’t be able to control more than 12 on a battlefield?


    Will one be able to decide how much of your mercs have to fight or will always 12 mercs fight, if one has 12 at least?
    And the tent slots are for camp followers; up to 9 one can have?

    The upper 2 rows contain 12 mercs max. There are more than 12 slots so you have more freedom in setting up your formation. The two rows represent how your men will be deployed in battle (facing upwards).

    The tents are for your reserve. You can switch your men around freely and fight with less than 12 if you want to.

    We considered using some of the reserve slots for camp followers, but did not come up with a quick and satisfying solution how to implement this whole mechanic. We are still considering it though.

    While some of the former temporary blunt injuries depicted bruises, the updated image shows only bone fractures.
    Are those icons supposed to display the same degree of damage, where the only difference is their source? If so, I would say the blunt injury icons should display bruises rather than fractures, because in my understanding a fracture is more severe than a cut or a stab wound and takes longer to heal.

    Basically you are right. I took some artistic liberty to paint more visually engaging icons. Bruises dont really make good icons :)

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    in reply to: Paul´s Art Corner #15562
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    PS: Have you thought about putting less or no blood around the temporary blunt injury icons? Since blunt injuries aren’t (as) bloody (as cutting and percing ones).

    That would make sense, but I decided to have the same border for alle injury icons to tell them apart from the other icons like traits and backgrounds.

    Heres an updated version:


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    in reply to: Paul´s Art Corner #15561
    Avatar photoPsenBattle

    Hey there,
    sorry for the irregular updates. I’m still working on not-so-fun UI stuff. Unfortunately this means there are no fancy paintings to be shown.
    Nevertheless just poke me and I will post some random UI screens ;)

    By the way, the end is in sight! I am really looking forward to finally launching the new UI alongside some additional features, like the extended roster. I hope the wait will be over soon.

    Anyways, here we go:
    “Combat engage screen” gets a little picture of the landscape and time of day you will be fighting in.
    Combat Engage

    Heres a preview of the inventory/roster screen. That sucker really needed a lot of work.

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