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  • in reply to: Paul´s Art Corner #6306
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    will there be some medieval-styled skeletons as well (I prefer these more)

    I know what you mean *cough* fallen heroes *cough*.
    I agree that they didnt look bad at all, but I just decided to jump at the chance to create a whole new look and something unique that hasnt been done before. The Zombies might take over the fallen heroe look for their own endgame units though.

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    in reply to: Paul´s Art Corner #6305
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    cloth would completely rot in a decad

    I guess I have to call artistic liberty on this one :) I want them to feature an germanic/celtic look and checkered capes etc are very characteristic for that. So I just think it looks awesome and I ignored logic this time.

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    in reply to: Paul´s Art Corner #6304
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    shouldn’t their armor and headgear have ‘wounds’ inflicted in a fight?

    The actual reason why the gear looks so intact is that while painting I always start with a complete, undamaged suit of armor and then “destroy” it to the degree I want. With this workflow I can always go back to the original graphic or create a variety looks from the same armor.
    The skeletons are not finished yet so I guess the armor will get destroyed more and more the longer I kepp on painting :)

    On the other hand there is one problem: Scratches, dents and broken parts create a lot of visual “noise” especially when using small sprites like in Battle Brothers. The character becomes more difficult to read and it gets hard to tell what kind of armor he is actually wearing if it shows no clear patterns.
    Furthermore I want the armor to show whether it is still intact or already lost a lot of armor points. If the armor looks too damaged from the start, it may become difficult to tell the difference between intact and damaged armor.

    I could just solve the issue with some Lore: Lets assume the skeletons that raise from the dead are not fallen warriors from battle, but have been buried alive when their lord died. Like human sacrifices.
    The lore is not written yet, but there will be a clear difference between zombies and skeletons. While zombies get resurrected from the “outside” (a Necromancer performing dark magic) skeletons will be resurrected from the “inside” by old and dark energies they somehow contain themselves.
    Something like that :) Thats also explaining why the necromancer is a living human, but the Lich is undead.

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    in reply to: Pip's Big List of Stuff, round 2 (Gobbos!) #6302
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    I also don’t know what you have planned for the perk/stat upgrade, so I look forward to that ?

    I absolutely feel your concerns. We decided not to fiddle around anymore with the actual perk system, because it works okay.
    I really want to share more detailed info on what we have planned for the new stat/perk system, but Its still too early.
    Infos will be shared in time :)


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    in reply to: Paul´s Art Corner #6280
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    parameters of this ancient equipment will be worse than conventional weapons?

    Yes, they will have a lot of metal armor, but the protection values will not be that high as the stuff is totally rotting and rusted.
    Their equipment will not be lootable for now, because we dont have the time to implement all that stuff for the player.

    For now this will be a visual overhaul only. The real rework will come with the worldmap rework. Andy maybe then some of the equip will be lootable :) We will see…..

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    in reply to: Paul´s Art Corner #6278
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    what do you think of these old-timers using “antique” weapons like slings & bullets, pillae or glaives?

    Thats the plan, they will get their own set of antique weapons. Anything from celtic to germanic and similar. Their shields will look accordingly (coffin shape, oval etc) and of course their haircuts (suebian knot anyone?). While opting for that antique look I dont want to stay too close to a singular culture, I take the liberty to mix it up a bit.
    The plan is to make it very obvious that these guys have been lying in the ground for ages, so I decided to let them use equip that even looks old in a medieval world. The Lore will be adjusted accordingly and separate them further from the zombies, allthough they still stay in the same faction.
    Thanks for the skull compliment :) I swear I dont have any hidden obsessions hehe.

    I am not a fan of the “van Helsing” or “witch” hats on the Necromancer or Witch Hunte

    Thats a matter of taste, of course I can understand. Most Necromancers will still sport the good old hood nevertheless. Just mixing it up a bit.

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    in reply to: Paul´s Art Corner #6275
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    I’m feeling generous today so heres a little preview of the new skellingtons.
    Theyre not finished of course, but you can already see what direction we are taking and how different they look from all other factions in the game (including zombies).

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    in reply to: Build Discussion of the patch. #6268
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    During the time that I’m in the BB, I wrote more posts on the forum on the game than in my life

    I absolutely understand and I feel honoured :)
    Its awesome that by now other people are feeling as passionate about the game as we do :)

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    in reply to: Build Discussion of the patch. #6263
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    On map still a couple spots labeled “impossible”.

    Maybe these are the “final” locations. Before the patch we only had the “Black obelisk” for the undead.
    Now we added the Great Goblin City, the Fortress of the Warlord (Orcs) and the Raiders Stronghold (bandits).
    These are absolute Endgame Locations. I suggest all bros should be lvl 11 :)

    The Event System will be included in the worldmap rework and we want to have a lot more events. Events following each other sound like a good idea, I hope we find the time to implement something like that.


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    in reply to: Pip's Big List of Stuff, round 2 (Gobbos!) #6262
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    Nerdrage over here… I took like 20 Minutes to answer all of your points and now the internet killed my posting when I published it :(
    grr heres a very short list of what I wrote:
    – Perksystem and stat system will be intertwined in a way that will make for a lot more interesting choices
    – An Early game Goblin should be added but whe are hesitant to do it now, as all faction progression will be reworked in the worldmap overhaul anyways
    – Named Weapons are just some candy until we get to implement legendary weapons. Stat wise they are always the best weapons in their category. If any named Noble Sword isnt straight up better than a normal named sword, thats a bug.
    – Silent Storm is awesome :) We need more games like that!

    Sorry for the short version, but my time is limited :(

    I hope you still enjoy this unfinished version of the game. Theres a lot more to come :)


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    in reply to: Pip's Big List of Stuff, round 2 (Gobbos!) #6260
    Avatar photoPsenBattle

    Interesting read, really enjoyed it :)
    PS: Did you kill all the other “final” locations apart from the Obelisk? That one is just the undead version.

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    in reply to: My thoughts on my new purchase #6259
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    Hey MajorDomo,
    I can totally understand your concerns, I try to explain a little:
    Of course paying attention to the map screen is really important. Just as in Mount and blade where you get owned by searaiders or deserters at any time :) Maybe it helps if I tell you we are right about starting the big Worldmap overhaul. That will include not only a visual overhaul, but a complete rework and addition of many features. I cant spoil too much right now, because we dont know how much stuff we can squeeze in there in the time we have.
    After the rework the worldmap should be a lot more interesting.

    Werwolves can be a challenge, but I think on day 35 together with a caravan you should be able to tackle 10 werewolves. The game can be very frustrating at the beginning, before you truly get into it and understand the game mechanics.
    I would go so far to say the first 3 playthroughs are just practice runs where you will get destroyed sooner or later :) Use them to try out as much as possible and understand the mechanics of tactical combat.

    The Goblins are designed to be viable enemies from mid to late game. If you get into combat with them too early on, its gonna be hard. Just like the orcs. During the worldmap rework we will straighten out the enemy progression, so every faction can be fought at all levels.
    At the moment its more like this:
    Early game: Bandit Thugs, Wiedergangers, small werewolf bands
    Mid Game: Young Orcs, Bandits (thugs and raiders), Skeletons, maybe some Goblins
    Late Game: Necromancers, Vampires, Large Werewolf packs, Orc warriors/Berserkers, Goblins

    Something like this.
    Hope it helps!


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    in reply to: Paul´s Art Corner #6247
    Avatar photoPsenBattle

    I started around 18 and kept on drawing with pencils all through my years at university (becoming a geologist).
    After that I managed to get a job as a Concept Artist and only then I really started to improve.
    So I did that for 5 years and now its Battle Brothers time :) If you want to see some more stuff check out my artstation (Artstation Profile)

    I am really looking forward to painting some more illustrations for BB, the ones I did unto now are really rushed and of a pretty low quality (in my eyes). Dont know when this will happen though, my task list for ingame assets is longer than Gandalfs beard at the moment :)

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    in reply to: Job/Class Spreadsheet #6246
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    On top of that we changed the mechanic how these boni work. So instead of an added bonus to a stat, each background has its own min and max values for each stat.
    You cant really display this in a tooltip at all (except for displaying the whole stat range for each stat, which would be pretty ridiculous). So theres no way we could show the info anymore, even if we wanted to.

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    in reply to: Generating battle brothers #6240
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    now it seems as if the devs took something precious away!

    Hehe, sometimes we have to :)

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