Topic: Paul´s Art Corner

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    Avatar photoPsenBattle

    You got them all right :)

    4: Ancient dead

    By the way that name is a lot cooler than just “skeletons”


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    Avatar photoEldar

    Considering the banners of the wiedergängers, will we meet “returned” mercenaries companies? Because if were just going by my earlier attempts at deadly, the lands should be littered with failed soldiers of fortune … ;)

    Avatar photoPsenBattle

    That would be fun :)
    Actually I used the old Player banners for the zombies, so you really kind of meet fallen companies :)

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    Avatar photoSuperCaffeineDude

    The banners are really nice, the old banners work really well, especially in context, and the brass(?) ones are beautiful.
    I kind of wonder for the undead if a bare naked pole might work well too

    Look forward to seeing how the celtish zombies are implemented, as guardians of forgotten treasure far west/east maybe?

    Avatar photoPsenBattle

    I kind of wonder for the undead if a bare naked pole might work well too

    Funny idea :) Like so:


    Look forward to seeing how the celtish zombies are implemented, as guardians of forgotten treasure far west/east maybe?

    There’ll be a blog post on the “ancient dead” when the time comes.


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    Avatar photoOldGreyBeard

    Paul, excellent work on the Enemy banners! This game just keeps looking better and better!

    I was looking at the image library, specifically the shields and the thought hit me: is it possible to use some of the new banner designs on some of the shields? That would look sweet!

    In a single player game, there's no such thing as cheating. It's merely "creative manipulation of the default settings"!

    Avatar photoicemelon

    To be honest, I’d like to see thousand of diferent banners to choose. I know it’s a lot of work, but it’ something I love since I was a kid, soooo I want more banners!!!! Can’t wait to a new “user banner” contest, since I realized about the last one when it was too late.

    One of the things that makes this game so great is your amazing art and concepts. Kudos to you!

    Avatar photoRusBear

    Holy axe, guys. ) Stop press Paul with your banners, let him finish new tactical battle map like forts, caves , cemeteries and tombs, it’s more important.
    ( you know – this post is a trick that Paul show us if that maps are ready ))

    Avatar photoTexan

    Hey Paul, you said someday that you will make fighting orc tribes (event) better, by knowing which orc is from which tribe. Maybe it’s good time to do it?

    since it’s possible now to encounter Orc clans fighting each other it’d be good to have some way of telling which ones belong to which clan

    Absolutely true. To be honest I already started working on recognizable features to tell the clans apart, but the topic got a little lost in the whole worldmap mayhem.
    I’ll try to get back to it!


    Avatar photoLove Gun


    Am I seeing the new look of the Ghouls; plus their look after feasting on one and a second corpse?
    They look more like mumified human corpses than some feral creatures. The ornamental painting and the gold jewelry adds to the tamer look, implying that they have been part of some ritual burial. The collar also gives the impression, that they have been enchained and are not their own master. I’d prefer them to stay feral creatures.

    Regarding the banners:

    What is it about the grid or gate on the 4th Orc banner? The 3rd one depicts the lore/spirit of the Orcs the best (I’d say, it shows the tribe’s warlord and the three skulls on top are former contenders.) The 2nd best is the 2nd one. It follows the manner of the 3rd. The 1st and the 4th are on place 3. Then comes the 5th, though the game has to, at least, hint at dragons in one other situation for this banner to make sense. And last and least is the 4th Orc banner.

    The idea of decayed banners for the Wiedergangers is cool. I could even imagine an event or contract twist (for a new contract: search (for a sign of) the lost patrol) that triggers, where a patrol looks like a regular noble house patrol from afar and when you get closer, the banner changes to a decayed one and instead of just finding the patrol one has to fight the now undead patrol.

    Am I the only one, that thinks, that one cannot recognize the Goblins in the Goblin banners at all? The closest is the spider banner, pointing on the fact, that Goblins utilize their poison; but that’s as far as it goes.

    PS: May I suggest this pole layout (see the attached picture) for the first Orc banner? Since it lacks something to make it stand out in comparison to the other four.

    Avatar photoPsenBattle

    is it possible to use some of the new banner designs on some of the shields?

    I totally agree, but I have to see if I manage to squeeze in the time for that.

    Can’t wait to a new “user banner” contest,

    If Ill get the opportunity to add more player banners, I will have another contest :)

    ey Paul, you said someday that you will make fighting orc tribes (event) better, by knowing which orc is from which tribe. Maybe it’s good time to do it?

    To be honest I parted from that plan. First of all it would be a bunch of work that is basically just eye candy. On top of that I gave it some more thought and it doesnt really make sense to give the player an easy way to tell them apart. If you watch a big, chaotic brawl its never easy to tell who is fighting whom. Especially if they belong to a completely different culture, like the orcs.

    They look more like mumified human corpses than some feral creatures.

    Exactly :) I wont spoiler yet, but this is not a rework of the ghouls :)

    the lost patrol …. and instead of just finding the patrol one has to fight the now undead patrol.

    Fun idea, I like it.

    Am I the only one, that thinks, that one cannot recognize the Goblins in the Goblin banners at all? The closest is the spider banner, pointing on the fact, that Goblins utilize their poison; but that’s as far as it goes.

    I personally like the banners quite a bit. The basic premise was to make them look different than the orc banners (white paint on dark background). The references of Goblin banners you can find online are very scarce (except warhammer fantasy, where they opt for a colorful, comical look).
    The poles they are using emphasize their skills in metal working and should resemble imperial roman banner poles while not looking too similar.
    I expect a lot of people don’t think they look very “goblin-like” because I invented my own style here and did not use an existing stereotype.

    PS: May I suggest this pole layout (see the attached picture) for the first Orc banner?

    Looking neat, as I am still working on the bandit banners anyways I’ll put it in :)

    Cheers guys!

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    Avatar photoPsenBattle

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    Orc 01

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    Avatar photoSuperCaffeineDude

    Nice^^^, look forward to the bandit banners.

    With the goblins, I agree the spider is definitely strongest of their flags, maybe some barbed arrow and snake sigils might also communicate their theme well.

    Interesting theory with the those undead, vampiric zombies that become revitalised by blood, I’ll be very interested to see how that plays.

    Avatar photoLove Gun

    Then comes the 5th, though the game has to, at least, hint at dragons in one other situation for this banner to make sense. And last and least is the 4th Orc banner.

    I just realized, that I have miscounted. It is supposed to be:
    Then comes the 6th, though the game has to, at least, hint at dragons in one other situation for this banner to make sense. And last and least is the 5th Orc banner.

    Exactly. I wont spoiler yet, but this is not a rework of the ghouls.

    Damn, I was so certain ^^ , though their noses are all of different shape. Then I would say, No.2 and 3 are not the strenghtened versions of No.1, but independant tiers of one new enemy type. I am looking forward to their relevation.

    I personally like the banners quite a bit. The basic premise was to make them look different than the orc banners (white paint on dark background). The references of Goblin banners you can find online are very scarce (except warhammer fantasy, where they opt for a colorful, comical look).
    The poles they are using emphasize their skills in metal working and should resemble imperial roman banner poles while not looking too similar.
    I expect a lot of people don’t think they look very “goblin-like” because I invented my own style here and did not use an existing stereotype.

    I see. Though I did not mean, that I want them to look like stereotypical Goblin banners (what ever that would be), but have the flags show something, that emphasizes their traits (, as described in their introduction). Something that the banner with the Goblin city/state and the waxing moon already has, I realized. It shows, that the Goblin state is most important and the waxing moon symbolizes, that they are an ambitious state/race.
    At least I do not see anything similar in the other 5 banners.

    The reworked 1st Orc banner looks very nice!
    (Does the upper rope consist of two seperate ropes, where the parts in the background are exactly behind the ones in the foreground? If not and it is supposed to be one thread, then only one should be before the bone on the right side, while the other one should be behind the bone and thus not seeable.)

    By the way, Paul; what do you think of the following?^^

    I noticed, there are some small errors pictured on the main menu wallpaper, if you consider how it is in the game.

    If I understand it correctly, the guy on the left, bears a Boar Spear, while the sitting one has a Longaxe and the one right next to him a Billhook.
    The Boar Spear ingame has a range of 1 tile, while the Longaxe and the Billhook are 2-tile range weapons, that makes the Boar Spear shorter than the 2-tile range weapons.
    But on the picture, the Boar Spear is about 50% longer than the other two, though they actually should be longer than the Boar Spear.

    Avatar photogepardowaty

    Those new “ancients” are looking freaking cool. Same with the banners.
    With all the new zombies, ancient dead and other stuff, necromancers and vamps look pretty outdated.
    How about a little vampire rework? Maybe introducing few different species of bloodsuckers? You know, some kind of strigoi, nosferatus and more “human-like” ones with grand equipment and supernatural skills. That would definitely justify a place for more future female characters on the enemy side :>
    I’m not talking about addition of 10 different clans or some other twillight bullshit, but just a few different species with unique abillities(like in eg. The Witcher)
    That would definitely change Vampires to become their own, scary faction. Also, battle events with vampires that could be filled with thralls (simple humans) who serve them. For now they are really… “meh”.

    IMO that would make all the monster hunting even more diverse. Plus, just imagine the equipment you could draw for those more “civilized”, aristocratic vampires. :P

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