Forum Replies Created
ParticipantYeah, that’s what I’m saying. You already get 0% XP for NPC kills, so it wouldn’t make sense if that’s what the oath was referring to. XP loss (for other bro’s kills) is the entire downside of the oath, it’s not supposed to be a boon. The +40% XP gain is just to offset the loss so you can continue to level bros who get a lot of kills.
ParticipantAssuming your definition of “allies” is “non-player controlled units” – you already don’t get experience for those kills. It wouldn’t make sense for that to be a stipulation. The XP gain is working as intended (though whether or not it should work that way is another story).
You should leave your half-dozen suggestions, the devs have incorporated feedback to make things clearer before.
ParticipantThank you!
ParticipantHey Paul, another random request, if and when you find the time – could you show some of the blazing deserts AI faction banners (City-states, Nomads)? The ones available in game are pretty low-res (which makes sense, they only show up on the world map in-game) but there are some pretty intricate designs and it’d be cool to see them closer up.
Thanks either way!
ParticipantThanks Paul, you’re the best!
ParticipantHey Paul! I was wondering if I could get higher-res versions of the Barbute, Assassin Mask, and Nomad Light Helmets. I’ve been kitbashing some additional equipment into the game, but have found that it’s really hard to get designs and paint patterns right using 1x assets (they always look a little “pixel-y”. I’ve seen most other helmets at 2x size in this thread, but couldn’t find those ones.
Thanks either way!
ParticipantTake this with a grain of salt, but I believe it’s Unreal.
ParticipantSo, it’s pretty impossible to determine if this is a bug without seeing the log, the stats of the brother in question, and more detail around the sequence of events in the battle. A couple reasons you might have seen the chance you did, though:
– Elevation affects chance to-hit: if the auxiliary was above your brother, that’s a flat -10% chance to hit
– Without Flail Mastery, flails ignore the shield defense bonus but not the Shieldwall bonus. If the Auxiliary in question had Shieldwall active, you would have seen a decrease in chance to hit.
– The number of friendly brothers immediately adjacent to a target increases a brother’s chance to hit (a flat +5% per adjacent brother). That might have also affected your chance.
– Lastly, although I don’t think it was at play here, but Morale affects (among other stats) Melee skill – if your brother goes down to wavering or breaking morale, he will see a lower chance to hit (due to his lower melee skill). Again, from the log it looks like there wasn’t a morale chance that affected things.JCSato
ParticipantLooks like the image upload failed or didn’t finish?
Separately, since I’m here and have the opportunity, I just wanted to say thanks for sharing so much of your process and design decisions with us, in this thread and elsewhere. I’ve really learned a lot, and it’s helped me better analyze and appreciate both bbros and other games.
ParticipantWoah, that shield is awesome!
ParticipantAddendum: I forgot you can’t fire with bows when an enemy in melee range is stunned, either. Ignore that one.
ParticipantUpdate: Even if I do a separate install of the GOG version on Drive E and try to play that, it still points to the save games folder on Drive D. :(
ParticipantAhhh, that makes much more sense. I was thinking physical starting positions on the map (like what you get from the Tactics skill in HoMM).
ParticipantRandom other forum lurkers 2 cents on these. . .
Agree on the names. I wonder if this is actually just a matter of some names being more common than other, as I feel like I see a lot of e.g. Kuniberts and not very many e.g. Otto’s, but both are in the game.
Haven’t used the formations mod so I can’t really pass judgement, but thinking back to other games that have this (Heroes 3, etc.) it can get *very* tedious, so I’m hesitant about its inclusion.
I think the idea is that talents are supposed to fill this gap – your outlier shepherds are the ones that get 3 stars in melee attack, etc. I think that’s pretty well balanced for Overhype’s goals (they’ve said in the past that they try to optimize for the first ~150 days or so of the game). I think the only area this kinda falls apart is with ranged characters.
I’m thinking you mean perks? I’m a pretty hard disagreement on this one; it absolutely makes sense to revisit other perks when adding or changing them, or changing the equipment in the game.
Some kind of map generation options would be cool (choosing the noble house colors/banners was mentioned in another thread and I think even just that would be great).
Strong agreement to the expanded obituary. Personally want to see a dog obituary so I can feel extra bad about myself.