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ParticipantThis time it didn’t crash. Two “Strong” orc raiders parties terrorizing a village at once. My dirty dozen of lvl 8-9 guys and 10 relatively lame militias. Is that fair?
By the end all but one militias were dead as well as three of my finest battle brothers, two of them lvl 9 founding fathers who held back the enemy onslaught by the cart wheel, surrounded, once the militia was cut down. But the village was saved. To borrow the quote from Seven Samurai: “So. Again we are defeated. The farmers have won. Not us.”
But it was definitely a challenge. And a hard one too…
ParticipantMost of my guys are lvl 8 or 9 at this point. I’ve got the best gear available, unfortunately I’ve yet to see any of the fancy armours and helmets in any shop, but this battle froze before it really got going and I kinda doubt I’d end up winning it easily if at all.
Participant8. One of my warriors was smacking large orcs on their heads so hard, he broke his two handed sword. After the battle he could not equip another one, anything two-handed, nor a shield. As if he broke his arm too, though he had no injuries. Saving and reloading fixed it.
9. Orc were cheating again too. Instead of breaking their charges against a spearwall, one just teleported through 3 ranks of men all the way behind.
Elevations, spearwall and their orc-charge must sometimes combine into a teleportation spell… see pic above.Trig
ParticipantProbably after today’s updates, I cannot exit the game normally. It freezes when I click Quit, I have to alt+tab out and there see an alert that Battle Brothers has stopped working.
The last log entries say: 03:17:37
Shutting down engine core.Trig
ParticipantGot this today.
A magnificent assault on a necromancer’s lair with my dirty dozen against 15 enemies.
I crushed all the skeletors and stabbed the necromancer in his one good eye woithout losing anyone, but upon shattering the bones of the last skeleton the view zoomed out and stayed there. I could zoom back in, but no buttons worked. Max levels of my guys are around 4 or 5 here.
The retreat button worked though. But strangely enough, although all enemies were dead, six of my men committed ritual suicide upon learning of our shameful display. A bit of an odd mechanic, wouldn’t you think?
ParticipantRegarding weapons.
Right now, apart from the riposte function which is somewhat useful vs. werewolves, the swords in the game don’t have any real advantage. In fact they’re the least versatile in game. Worse against armours, less damage than axes, so I usually only have the “captain” carry a sword (for roleplaying his authority status) while all other troops have more useful weapons.
Yet historically they were (until the arrival of plate mail) the most expensive and prestigious weapon on the battlefield exactly because they combined several advantages of other weapons. They could chop like an axe, pierce like a spear, parry and defend, were most balanced of the lot, much easier to wield and handle than an axe, etc.
Perhaps enable the pierce armour function that the scramasax has, also for all one-handed swords and have them also slightly increase melee defence.
And another thing I’d like to see, if practicable (I know it requires extra work for a very minor effect) but, not all weapons need completely unique characteristics, but for variety sake it would be lovely to get different items of the same type. Swords with different hilts or blade lengths and one is 5 points more deadly, other does 5% more armour damage, another is quality made so less fatigue, etc… Tiny differences of basically same items.
ParticipantI agree with scepticism towards crafting.
Troopers didn’t craft their own weapons and armours. Fletchers made arrows, smiths made weapons, tanners and armourers made armours, alcminists made fireball spells a.k.a. gunpowder and other burning/explosive mixes.
Fixing and mending stuff, yes. Crafting, meh.
Perhaps the only thing I’d support, since you have the unused amulet slot would be troopers making lucky charms, badges, other minor junk. Cut off orc ears on a string as sign of veterancy could grant a tiny morale increase, for instance. That sort of stuff…
ParticipantCould easily have both ways.
A character generator, but with a “Randomise” button.
Level up manual picking and a “Random select” button.Why not keep the game open and everyone play as they like?
ParticipantThis time it was the last orc that was left, hiding in a bush (invisible to me) while two Landsknehts were beating him up.
The invisible orc is in that bush just right of the white spot. Odd that he’s still invisible to me when my allies are fighting him.
Edit: Nope. Reloaded and also got same freeze when 8 orcs were still alive. The battle just freezes and nothing happens anymore. And it’s always a forest battle too. Could it have something to do with hiding in bushes?
ParticipantHi, we have a lot of reports of this error. It started happening right after the previous update and we quickly fixed the problem so new saves should work as normal. It seems that saves made inbetween the two updates do not work. Terribly sorry for this!
Would be good if you had announced this. I have lost my entire campaign with guys at lvl 8 already and have to start from scratch now… :(
ParticipantMy wishlist:
1. Add a deployment phase prior to tactical battles: A minor annoyance for me is that my battlebrothers never spawn in the formation, I would like them to. In particular, the AI tends to put all my spearmen on one end of the line and all the sword/axe/club guys on the other end. This could also flesh out the difference between attacking and being ambushed since the player wouldn’t get a deployment phase in the latter case.I agree a deployment phase would be very useful, but with a little limitation. When you attack, as any attacker, you should choose the time and place and formation of attack. But when you join an existing battle or are ambushed, it should be as it is now, rather confusing and random.
There’s another detail I’d like to see improved a bit. Time of battles on the map. Twice so far I was herding some weak enemy scouts towards a village for annihilation. And the militia intercepted them, but by the time I got close and clicked to join the battle, it was over. Maybe make a battle appear there a little longer, giving the player time to intervene.
ParticipantTwo very simple “animation” details that probably shouldn’t be too difficult to add.
Like “shieldwall” is shown by the trooper raising their shield.
“Spearwall” should tilt the spear towards the enemy.
“Riposte” should raise the sword ready to strike.Trig
ParticipantI really don’t mind the German name for the Zombies. It is more true to the specific setting. Zombie has exploded so much in popular culture that every stinking game regardless of setting has a Zombie in it. It is a small thing that makes this game more unique, when I see zombie, I’m reminded of the Walking Dead, Night of the Living Dead, Fido and a million other things. Not being German, “Wiedergänger” just sounds spookier and less “pop.”
I am against the use of word “Zombie”. I thought I was clear on that. It is way too modern to fit the medieval setting and geographically far from medieval Europe too. But in Europe the name “Living dead” was used, in any language, Latin most often in texts, while English has a nice word “Revenant”, basically meaning “the returned” which was used already in medieval times. In my opinion in this case the word is forced, just for the sake of using a German one… But this was just one comment among many in my long post, I don’t wanna turn this into a massive linguistics debate :D
Thank you Trig! It’s so nice to hear that, means a lot! And you’ve got some great and detailed feedback on the game in your post. I’m sure this will be very helpful to Overhype.
Most welcome. You and the whole team definitely deserve all the praise for the hard work that went into this game. My criticisms, like those of other forum commenters, are just our attempts to be constructive, to show we care about how the game develops. :)