Danubian's Replies

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  • in reply to: The Game is Unfair #27592
    Avatar photoDanubian

    Unfortunately the devs are really into particular kind of difficulty level, and there is nothing you can do about. I personally hate it (and have rage quit BB for about a year) and i can only recommend playing mods. Legends seem to work for me quite well for some reason. Only had a couple of mild rage moments so far.

    in reply to: Paul´s Art Corner #23252
    Avatar photoDanubian

    Thats some serious chopping power.

    Looks like the dude has just the tool he needs for the job :P

    in reply to: Having trouble with the difficulty of the game #23099
    Avatar photoDanubian

    Unfortunately this game is highly unforgiving and this is something ive been complaining about for ages.

    Basically the best advice i can give you is to keep playing even if you keep failing until you figure out a meta that works.

    Basically my advice to you is to focus on several things:
    -early on focus on fighting humans, bandits to be precise, and focus on hunting down bandit thugs. Avoid fighting bandit raiders as they will wreck you early and into mid game (before you have a full party and leveled up brothers).
    -experiment with meta and find out what works for you: i personally use 2 lines of 6 characters each; first line is shield + one handed weapon, where i focus on fatigue, melee and melee defense (so getting talents in that, melee def in particular is critical) with life and resolve being fillers in case i get low rolls on important stuff. For second i line i prefer to have characters that have about 60 melee and 60 ranged with the rest usually going into other things, such as life (they wont have shields, and arrows/bolts are deadly). The idea is that the first line tanks and second line shoots or switches to pikes and then stabs people from behind.
    -spears are essentially a noob trap, and so are two handed axes; youre not supposed to be using that stuff (spears are fine very early game, axes only work if you have good melee skill, otherwise you wont hit anything, ever). Spears have very low damage and their special attack might appear good, but its not really, if you rely on it too much, it will fail you against tougher enemies (they will shield wall and simply drop into you). Early on when youre fighting unarmored enemies (bandit thugs) use swords; as you go up in skill and start getting 60+ melee guys i advise you to go into axes; i find axes to be the best all around weapons, specially for tanking characters. Aside from axes cleavers (military cleaver) seem to be pretty good too.
    -bows vs crossbows – very high ranged skill bow can be deadly because you will essentially fire 2 times per turn, but bows will be utterly useless vs heavily armored enemies, such as orc warriors and skeletons, and up to couple of versions ago, vampires (they would brutalize ranged chars). Crossbows fire once per turn but can actually damaged armored opponents, with same problems as bows being there: undead are practically immune (except a few enemies) and vampires are a problem. So i suggest you focus on either one, but dont focus chars 100% of in. Hire people who have 50 in ranged with some talents, so that you can get it to 60 or 70, but at the same time develop the chars for melee, as you will need them to use 2 handed 2 range weapons when you fight big stuff (orc warriors!!!111). These guys also need higher life as they will stand there without a shield and catch enemy fire all the time.

    Couple of notes for the end. This game offers a bunch of enemies that belong to different groups and are grouped in such a way that you need to know exactly what youre doing and toward what youre building your company. Some weapons (like ranged) might work brilliantly on bandits, which is early game, but you will need to go into mid or late game, and then face, for example, orc warriors which are practically immune to it (or skeletons). So you cant focus on one thing just because it works now and hope it will work forever because it wont. This is why i suggest that you build a frontline with high melee defense (shields + 1 handed weapon) capable of fighting anything (i prefer axes). And then a second line that can support them in different scenarios. I am still unable to build a company that can tackle everything, although i am pretty close now; the only thing that gives me headache now are undead with ghosts because you need exceptional resolve and some feats to be able to counter them (things you wont really need for 90% of the game otherwise).

    So start small, make a crew that can farm bandits, start with thugs and then go into raiders; hoard money and items (raiders use ~110 armors and up to 140ish helmets, which are decent mid game entry gear) and start replacing your early members which will probably have bad stats and talents for those with expensive backgrounds (my favorites used to be raiders because they would get 50+ ranged and melee, meaning they would make perfect skirmisher that unloads 2 crossbow blots into your face before switching to melee).

    in reply to: Paul´s Art Corner #23065
    Avatar photoDanubian

    Have you ever considered adding different additional properties to different armor types?

    For example scale armor should weight more than chainmail, but could offer like damage reduction against arrows/bolts?

    Similarly padded armor could offer slashing resistance or something? etc

    in reply to: Paul´s Art Corner #23049
    Avatar photoDanubian

    That looks like Zoltan Chivay’s armor from the witcher

    IIRC he only wears a padded coat? This one looks like something over chainmail, its a much more serious armor.

    Avatar photoDanubian

    Yeah ahah, youll think you have the game figured out, and then youll run into Orc Warriors and they will make you rethink your entire group build :P

    Thats just how they are. You can either completely build up a group to handle them, or you can avoid them.

    in reply to: Things that are so dumb, that makes me sick #21409
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    Haha tercio :D

    in reply to: Ranged balancing #21408
    Avatar photoDanubian

    They changed something about ranged combat, i dont know what, for one of the beta patches before release. Its been a nightmare fighting ranged enemies ever since. Every shot inflicts a wound, enemies often focus on a single guy, and just murder them in one turn etc. Its kinda making me not wanna play.

    in reply to: How do you build archers? #20898
    Avatar photoDanubian

    First: dedicated archer is a pointless thing, because there are enemies in game that are nearly immune to ranged damage and there are enemies that will slaughter back line characters.

    Second: As soon as i am able, i tend to start recruiting backgrounds with both high melee and at least ~50 ranged skill at level 1. Usually its raiders. As i start getting such characters, i pretty much start increasing the number of people who carry ranged weapons as secondary. So ultimately i end up with 12 people who can fire a bolt or 2 worth of crossbow bolts (usually crossbows) in order to soften up enemies. Sometimes ill keep 2 bowmen to pick off enemy ranged units.

    When it comes to second line people (6 in front 6 in the back) they tend to be primarily armed with 2 handed weapons with 2 reach (usually great axe or whatever its called nowdays). As secondary, if their ranged is at least 50, i give them either a crossbow or a bow. Their use is rather obvious; start unloading damage at range and keep doing that until your melee weapon is needed.

    The second line people usually wear lighter armors (specially early on) because they dont really get engaged. It is crucial to get some levels and that skill that allow you to walk out of enemy’s range (whatever its called i forgot) before you start fighting things like Orc Warriors that can push your people back and reach the second line people.

    in reply to: Editing Cnut files (not for modding, just curiosity) #20754
    Avatar photoDanubian

    Good luck mate, i really want to mod this game myself too. Its a bit ridiculous modding is where it is now, i really hope this is one of the priorities for the near future.

    in reply to: Beta 22.02.17 feedback #20423
    Avatar photoDanubian

    Third bandits buff
    Bandits were always low to mid levels threat and honestly they were here for a player units to gain levels and free lower quality gear. Kinda of less of more safe zone. There were some strong units like rogue knights, sowrdmasters and bandit leaders but most of them were rabble(but even then polearms and xbows were a problem).
    Now I do not understood logic why enemy marksmans get buffed. Anyone care to explain this?
    They were threat even before now they can snipe my troops with precision. They should not be a that big threat and they can kill single trooper at first turn(especially on expert where they get extra numbers). They should be support troops.
    Small suggestion if I can do that.
    Strip Marksmen from their perks and skills. They could get better gear and weapons, maybe quick hands and nets for night fights, but lower their ranged capabilities. Its simply not fun to lose guys to ranged enemy fire. Second thing take away puncture weapons from them.
    There could be also some mid unit between thugs and raiders – simply better armed thug/worse armed raider with lesser skills and no perks.

    Overall bandits should be a kind of filler faction that player face before he can fight Nobles, Undeads or Orks. Also enemy where he can go back when he got stumped so he can recover.

    I complained about ranged units (bandit marksmen to be precise) on day one of the beta. I was told (by other forum users) its my confirmation bias. Then i asked a dev and was told nothing is changed about them.

    Yeah right. Bandit marksmen are like 5x more deadlier in beta than in vanilla (not sure about last 2 betas though, i kinda gave up on game).

    in reply to: Release. From one player to another. #20411
    Avatar photoDanubian

    Not before we get full proper mod support, sorry.

    The game is ok, but its not double buy kind of good.

    in reply to: 118.4 hrs last two weeks #20176
    Avatar photoDanubian

    hen my backline is headshotted. Not enough armor/life? While I do get a LOT of severe injuries from arrows/bolts, no deaths so far from archers as the injured units retreat to safety. I am considering giving my backline nine lives for the occasional mishap though.

    I have a party with raider armor, and ~60 hp each – so thats 95-110 body and 110 head armor. Ive played maybe 20 hours on veteran on beta and ive had people die to 1 bolt/arrow about 2 or 3 times, it doesnt happen every battle obviously, but it can happen.

    Ive had multiple battles where every single ranged shot that hit my brother (not counting those that hit shields obviously) would deal both huge hp damage (like 70%) and inflict an injury.

    Ive also had situations where enemy would have 3+ ranged units who would focus on my second line people armed with 2 handed weapons and kill them with 2 shots. I think i even posted a screenshot of 1 brother getting 1 shot, and another brother getting hit twice in a row, both times getting an injury :D

    I mean i dont know whats going on, and where the difference between your exp and my comes from? Maybe youre playing on lowest difficulty? I started on veteran. Maybe youre not hunting raiders, my main source of income is raiders (until i level up)?

    Edit: nevermind i just read your other replies

    in reply to: 118.4 hrs last two weeks #20138
    Avatar photoDanubian

    I’m actually enjoying the current balance of the game so far quite a bit. Marksmen of all kinds are more of a menace, but that just means I’ve got to consider them a threat and work around it. My encounter with ghouls was interesting as I have to plan out when to take kills and when to delay. But necrosavants are still giving me problems haha

    Yeah its loads of fun to get people 1 shot sniped before they even got a chance to act.

    in reply to: Ranged Combat insanity #19975
    Avatar photoDanubian

    Edit: nevermind

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