dltoster's Replies

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  • in reply to: Ironman destroy helmet/armor as well #26734
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    Can be easily homeruled – just throw out from inventory 0% mail and helmet. Good challenge and new tactics option – to withdraw from fight with almost broken expensive armor.

    in reply to: Adventurers guild #19916
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    I think it is a good idea, but it is too late for the coming release. Maybe in a possible addon.

    in reply to: Same good, same store, different price #19881
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    Yep. And it was so before dinosaurs died. Take more expensive, they are better ;)

    in reply to: Fatigue mechanics. Bug or feature? #19876
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    Can we have calculations? For a proper stamina management.

    in reply to: about contract availability #19866
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    I saw 3.

    in reply to: Beta 22.02.17 feedback #19661
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    …The ranged defense from holding a kite shield doesn’t seem to matter if you’re not the actual target of the shot so it just ignores your ranged defense and hits you automatically if you’re standing next to or in front of the actual target and the shot misses…

    I had the same suspicion – and this is very bad

    Yes, it is interesting to know – whether collaterial miss can hit a shield.

    Question to players mostly, could you tell me, does a shield hit (striking by a melee weapon and hitting a shield with a slightly shield damage I think) count as “hit” or “miss” situation in terms of a hit probability from tooltip? If it is kind of hit but still completely deflected by a shieldman i’d like to know a percentage of this event and on what it depends in numbers.

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    Actually, having re-read what you wrote about environment pausing before auto-saves before battles versus before/after entering/exiting settlements, I think maybe there are certain types of battles (i.e. sudden, complex ones involving more than two parties) for which the environment doesn’t get paused (or for which the environment dynamics are shifting too rapidly within the space of less than a second, so that different data about the battle composition gets saved at different times and/or in different places).

    Maybe. I oriented on that fact (is it fact? Now I need to play because i am now in doubts), that after battle world is on pause. But it can be that autosaving take place before battle and world is pausing after save is done (it is before battle starting for sure, because when i loaded autosave one time it was pre-engaging situation and i have to find (notice, it was close but my company did not see them maybe becaue visibility range expands taking some time too as i saw in early alphas footage with visible circles of party awarness) and attack this party again). So it can be that world shifts slightly in time in pre- and after- battle situations too. I remember this (autosave after leaving settlement)was an issue for me in earlier betas (pre-goblin i think) and devs just removed autosaving in this occasions.

    I afterthinked on this topic and now i suppose that autopausing environment leaving (better even entering) a settlement will be a good game expirience optimization too – because it takes time to click a space key manually or to click on a new destination point and the company just standing for a sec. This is 1-2% loss of a gametime too me think.

    in reply to: Beta 22.02.17 feedback #19629
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    I think injuries will be less often when you get decent armor – because more hits will damage you lesser then needed for trauma trigger. So this is early game disaster. And high casualty rate too. I think it is realistic because missed hit without trauma means only bruises and scratches that heals in a day or two without medicine.

    in reply to: Beta 22.02.17 feedback #19607
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    But they have that nine lives! And draining lives with their hits back. They are die hard cockroaches.

    About nache…whatever running with his prey – I read about such incident on steam forum. Poor swordmaster.

    in reply to: Beta 22.02.17 feedback #19598
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    Thanks for answers, they are useful. Read on steam forum about “a cart”, but dunno exactly how it can be obtained, maybe by ambition.

    in reply to: Mission objectives half way across the map? #19585
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    I had one too, devs said it was fixed with the last patch.

    in reply to: Noble Houses Contracts (Beta) #19584
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    And reputation must be “professional”.

    in reply to: does monk heal? #19583
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    And actually not monks heals you in a monastery, it is just some medieval doctors works in their infirmary and monasteries run them. He can be monk too, but heals not with prayers, some physiotherapy and medicine. And orthopedia.

    in reply to: Beta 22.02.17 feedback #19582
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    And what about be swallowed by a top ghoul? If a bb stays there for a couple turns, does he gets some damage and trauma? I know he does not now, but maybe should? I wonder what if a “ghoul” will manage to ran away with fighter, we loose him? Horrible end.

    in reply to: Beta 22.02.17 feedback #19581
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    I’d say bleeding should not be a death cause for a battle brother. He just lie down unconcious, right? He will get help right after the battle. So i think bleeding kill in battle deserves only not permanent injury (anemia weakness) and not be lethal at all.

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