Devgamm 2015 and What’s Next?


Devgamm 2015 and What’s Next?

Last week we grabbed our latest development build and headed over to Devgamm 2015 here in Hamburg. We’ll have a full dev blog post regarding our plans with the new and improved worldmap coming later this week. Finally, a small hotfix has been published to fix an issue related to the Fearsome perk.

DevGAMM 2015

On the 10th and 11th of September we attended the DevGAMM 2015 here in Hamburg to present Battle Brothers to other developers of Indiegames and to make contacts with like-minded folks. This is why our presence over the past few days might have been a little scarce.

In order to get some attention for our showcase, Paul, our artist, threw on his Viking armor. Always handy to have one of those in the stash.

Battle Brothers DevGamm Promo

We met some great guys over there, so here is a shoutout to the folks behind “Shattered Worlds” – a great looking scifi-game that mixes deck building with tactical combat.

shattered world Screenshot-game-mainpage

What’s Next?

We’ve since started on the worldmap rework that will keep us occupied for the next couple of months. The rework means extensive work on both visuals and gameplay, and will significantly change how the game is played. We’ll let you guys know of our plans with a full sized blog post later this week.

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About Jaysen


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    Sep 15, 2015 @ 9:28 am

    After a period of a little self-promotion and public relations, a period of hard work :)
    Future upgrade makes me a little nervous. Goblins is only the new mechanics and tactics, and this new update, it seems, can change the game itself. Look forward to. Especially the new system of perks and a new maximum level mercenaries. Already after the upgrade goblin clear that the tree of skills does not meet all the requirements for a fighter’s needs and new tactics. We believe in you, you guys are doing an amazing game and you have received assessment 9 of 10 – deserved at the moment. I am sure, you will be able to make so that it was 10 out of 10

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    Sep 15, 2015 @ 20:07 pm

    You went to a gaming convention with a fake sword!!???! What kind of nerd are you? :p Hugo would deal with you accordingly!

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    Sep 15, 2015 @ 23:22 pm

    We can’t see your face, but we know you are smiling, and that’s very very good. Can’t wait to see what is expecting us in the new upgrade.

    Carry on with your good work dudes!

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