Free DLC Released


Free DLC Released

The Lindwurm DLC has just been released to every current and future owner of Battle Brothers for free. Challenge your mercenary company against a fearsome Lindwurm, an adversary of legend, home to the wild parts of the world and fiercely defending its hoard of treasure!

Read all about the content of this free DLC in the accompanying dev blog here. It’s not necessary to start a new campaign in order for any of the additions to appear in your game.

Alongside the DLC, the game has also been updated to version with a couple of bugfixes that we’ve collected over the past few weeks.


  • Fixed game potentially freezing after combat ends under specific conditions.
  • Fixed ‘Reset Equipment After Battle’ option not working properly for specific combinations of equipment.
  • Fixed damage bonus from eating mushrooms not being displayed properly in some skill tooltips.
  • Fixed tooltip from a necromancer that himself has been raised from the dead not showing properly.
  • Fixed damage inflicted to a Direwolf’s natural armor not being displayed in the combat log.
  • Fixed various minor issues.
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About Jaysen


  • Avatar photo
    Oct 19, 2017 @ 16:25 pm

    Hype! Hype! Hype!
    OVERHYPE !!!

  • Avatar photo
    Oct 26, 2017 @ 14:20 pm

    Thanks for this awesome DLC!! Are more DLCs planned?

    By the way, when are we going to hear news about your new project?

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